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Product Options

Delayed Action

The delayed action mechanism assures any operator of a constant anvil "strike" pressure each time the micrometer handle is released. The mechanism is so designed that even with rapid handle release, it is impossible to "slam" down the upper anvil upon any material between the two anvils. This eliminates any chance of crushing/flattening the material and receiving a false reading.

Delayed Action is available on:
DDW Model, DDWL Model, DW Model, DWL Model

Pneumatic Operation

This feature is recommended to help eliminate the problem of casting deflection and potential operator error, which can occur with 12" and 18" throat micrometers. In addition, it provides uniform anvil pressure. The micrometer is foot activated. Unlike motorized units, it can be operated as quickly or as slowly as the operator chooses. With foot activation, both hands are free - a valuable feature when both hands are needed to handle cumbersome materials or when fast production gauging is required.

Pneumatic Operation is available on:
DDW Model, DDWL Model, DW Model, DWL Model

Vernier Scale

The unique design of the vernier scale eliminates the optical-variation in reading caused by the different positions of the operator's eye. It also eliminates the guesswork of reading measurements between dial graduations. Reading the Vernier Scale: Take the .001" reading from the dial graduation nearest zero ("0") on the vernier scale. In the illustration, .002" is the nearest to it. Then, reading to the right on the vernier scale, the number 2 graduation coincides exactly with a graduation on the micrometer dial. Therefore, the reading in the example to the right is .0022"

Vernier Scale is available on:
DW Model, DW Vernier Model
Dial Options

Dial HA

PDF icon HA.pdf
Portable Hand-Held 1" Throat Depth Model, Portable Hand-Held 2 1/2" Throat Depth Model, Portable Hand-Held 6" Throat Depth Model

Dial HM

.01 mm
PDF icon HM.pdf
Portable Hand-Held 1" Throat Depth Model, Portable Hand-Held 2 1/2" Throat Depth Model, Portable Hand-Held 6" Throat Depth Model

Dial A

PDF icon A.pdf
DW Model, DW Vernier Model, DW14 Model, M Model, MC Model

Dial B

PDF icon B.pdf
DW Model, DW14 Model, DWL Model, M Model, MC Model

Dial M

.01 mm
PDF icon M.pdf
DW Model, DW14 Model, DWL Model, M Model, MC Model

Dial MA

.001 and .01 mm
PDF icon MA.pdf
DW Model, DW14 Model, DWL Model, M Model, MC Model

Dial 10A

PDF icon 10A.pdf
TT Model

Dial 10M

.001 mm
PDF icon 10M.pdf
TT Model

Contact Info

Phone (847) 537-2239
Español (847) 537-2625
Fax (847) 537-1766

Mailing Address

E.J. Cady & Company
135 South Wheeling Road
Wheeling, IL 60090-4807

Phone Hours

Our hours of operation are
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Central Standard Time

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