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Roofing Industry / Bench-Style Micrometers

Reliable Performance

The roofing industry has requested 2.8 p.s.i. for the thickness gauging of its shingles. E.J. Cady & Company has worked closely with industry professionals to develop the DW14 and DDW14 Models, which now deliver this pressure in a simple to use, analog (dial) or digital, bench-style micrometer.

DW14 Model
The DW14 Model, analog (dial), bench-style micrometer is an in-plant gauge available for use at the desk, or laboratory, for measuring the thickness of roofing shingle samples.
DDW14 Model
The DDW14 Model, digital, bench-style micrometer offers Electric Only, or a combination of Battery and Electric, operation. It is an in-plant gauge available for use at the desk, or laboratory, for measuring the thickness of roofing shingle samples.

Contact Info

Phone: (847) 537-2239
Español: (847) 537-2625

Mailing Address

E.J. Cady & Company
135 South Wheeling Road
Wheeling, IL 60090-4807

Phone Hours

Our hours of operation are
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Central Standard Time

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