Gage Blocks .200"
(base price)
(price as configured)
Shipment Time:
Standard Features Include:
- Steel
- Square
- Grade 0
- Traceable to N.I.S.T.
Thank you for helping us achieve 132 years of excellence (1893 - 2025).
We appreciate your business and the opportunity to be of service.
(base price)
(price as configured)
Standard Features Include:
Phone (847) 537-2239
Español (847) 537-2625
Fax (847) 537-1766
E.J. Cady & Company
135 South Wheeling Road
Wheeling, IL 60090-4807
Our hours of operation are
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Central Standard Time